The Wellspring Plan: A Complete and Proven Program for a Healthy Lifestyle
Wellspring is a comprehensive fitness and weight loss program based on decades of scientific research on what actually works for dramatic weight loss and long-term weight control. Unlike traditional weight loss camps or fat camps, Wellspring has proven its effectiveness year-after-year.
From the time they arrive at camp, Wellspring campers are trained on all components of the Wellspring Plan, a simple, sustainable, and scientific approach to a healthy lifestyle. So while they’re having a fantastic time sharing adventures with new friends, they are also learning to live the Wellspring Plan, which includes:
- Low Fat Diet
- Activity Management
- Lifestyle Change
- Family Involvement
- Continuing Care
Low-Fat Diet:
Campers learn to enjoy a low-fat, low-density diet that is nutritious and delicious. This diet satisfies hunger and is the optimal diet to counteract the biological and environmental factors that contribute to weight gain. Campers learn to cook the same foods they eat at camp, to shop for these foods in grocery stores, and to order these foods in restaurants. We understand that campers will be more successful if the food they eat at camp is familiar to them, so meals and snacks are primarily healthier versions of the food kids already eat. Campers regularly tell us how much they love the food at camp!
Wellspring recognizes that long-term weight loss requires some major changes in campers’ behavior-changes that are difficult at any age. Our goal is to help campers keep the weight off long after camp ends, which requires permanent changes in how campers view diet and activity. To help campersadopt healthier attitudes about self-care, the Wellspring Plan includes an innovative cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) program.
Wellspring employs Masters- and Doctoral-level therapists trained in CBT to help campers improve stress management skills, enhance frustration tolerance, and allow campers to work through the issues that might be contributing to the excess weight, such as emotional eating or resorting to food to handle anxiety or stress. Trained therapists are called Behavioral Coaches because they actively coach each camper to achieve weight loss and successful long-term weight control.
Lifestyle Change:
By working with Behavioral Coaches throughout the summer, attending Family Workshops, and with the option of participating in our Continuing Care program, parents learn a healthy lifestyle right along with their son/ daughter at camp. Parents learn the best strategies for maximizing support for their new weight controller, in good times, and when their child is struggling.
“If you are ready for a change in your life, then Wellspring is definitely the program to help you do it. At Wellspring, they look at all aspects of changing your life… exercise, food and overall well-being.”
-Chase K., Riverside, CT, Wellspring New York Camper
When Wellspring Camp is over, the success does not end. Campers participate in Wellspring’s renowned ONE YEAR Continuing Care program, providing continued care with a Behavioral Coach from camp, including self-monitoring, weigh-ins, goal setting, and communicating with fellow campers all online.
Each facet of the Wellspring Plan– diet, activities, behavioral coaching, family involvement, and Continuing Care – is based on decades of experience and research, combined to give Wellspring Campers the best opportunity for long-term weight loss success!
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Get Wellspring Fit This Summer, For Life!
Learn more about the Wellspring Camps experience, our scientifically-driven approach to weight loss, the success of our camp attendees, session dates and camp locations as well as rates and financing options.