SUCCESS stories
It Works
See How Wellspring Changes Lives
Millburn, New Jersey
At Wellspring Camps, we believe that family support is essential to the success of our Campers and work to integrate the family into the overall Wellspring Experience by offering two Family Workshops at each location throughout the Summer. Samantha and her proud Mom are a perfect example of how families can work together to support campers on their weight loss journey and develop healthier lifestyles for the whole family. Samantha describes how her and her family were initially skeptical about how Wellspring could help based on negative past experiences with dieting and what began to change their perception, “While I’ve been here, my family has supported me so much. At the beginning, my parents and I were a bit skeptical and apprehensive because both my parents have been “Yo-Yo Dieters”—they would try different diets and then they put me on them too. None of it has ever really worked. After the first weigh in, I called my Mom and was like, ‘I ate really good food and I don’t know how it happened.’ She just turned back at me and said, ‘What kind of food do you eat, where are the recipes, and where can I do this at home?”
Convinced that her daughter’s time at Wellspring was truly leading to a meaningful path to sustainable success, Samantha’s Mom decided to attend one our Family Weekends to experience Wellspring for herself. “My Mom decided to come to the Family Weekend. She showed me that she picked up a step tracker (FitBit). She was so excited about her step counts and meeting her goals. That really pushed me to keep going because now we’ll call each other asking, ‘What was your step count today?’ I’ll share recipes with her that are awesome and she’ll share recipes with me, said Samantha. Samantha sums up her thoughts on the importance of family support to her success by stating, “My family has been completely supportive and that rocks!”
Clifton Park, New York
Jon was looking to get his life back on track after being unhappy for far too long and realizing that he needed to do something about it. Jon states, “I came to Wellspring because I needed a few weeks to get myself back on track with my health and fitness. I figured this was the best place to come. I needed a change and saw Wellspring as an opportunity to put my life together.” Like many campers, Jon was trapped in a cycle of negative food related behaviors, which led to a deep depression and a deteriorating sense of self-worth and confidence. He became increasingly withdrawn and inactive. Jon shares, “Eating habits, family genetics, and a lack of taking care of myself led to this terrible place for me. I felt very self-conscious. It stopped me from doing activities other kids were doing. It stopped me from interacting with other kids.”
As a result of his Wellspring experience, Jon is excited to see how life is already turning around and feels confident about sustaining a healthier and happier lifestyle in the future. “This is actually making a difference. I’m actually doing something that’s improving my overall health and I think that’s a pretty big confidence booster that keeps me going. If I keep that in mind, I’ll be able to stay on track.“
Oregon, Wisconsin
Like many young kids, Caroline spent most of her free time inside the house and being inactive. She had a lack of self-confidence and her weight management issues lead to an overall unhealthy lifestyle in which she was often depressed and unmotivated. Caroline states, “Before Wellspring, I didn’t really exercise that much. I just sat at home and watched TV.” After arriving at Wellspring, Caroline began coming out of her shell and rediscovering the inner strength and confidence that she had forgotten she had. She started transforming into a happier, healthier, and more outgoing person.
Caroline describes what she valued most about her Wellspring Experience and why she would recommend the Camp to others: “Wellspring helped a lot. I lost a lot of weight, a total of 60 pounds. I just feel a lot happier and a lot healthier too. You should come to Wellspring because you lose weight, you get healthy, and you just feel better about yourself. You have more confidence and make new friends here. It’s just amazing to have a better lifestyle and to go home feeling like the better you.”